Friday, August 12, 2011
Any girls out there like/appreciate Between the Buried and Me?
Yup! I don't listen to them as much as some other bands, but I do have an appreciation for their music.
I recently had a very complicated hysterectomy, requiring I come home with a catheter and have blood transfusi?
transfusions. My friends and my dad keep insisting that I need to sue. Please tell me what you think. I was scheduled for a total hysterectomy to remove my cervix and uterus. It was supposed to be laparoscopic. The surgeon didn't realize how big my uterus was and couldn't continue laparoscopically so he had to do a large open incision, while doing so he cut an artery cause me to bleed out very quickly, I eventually needed a blood transfusion. He went through an old c-section scar and my dad thinks if he would've went through a new area that he could've stopped the bleed much sooner and remove the need for the blood transfusions I needed. The surgeon also cut through my bladder while cutting me open. I had to have a bladder repair and have to have a catheter for 14 days. I have 4 incisions now. 3 from it being laparoscopic and the large open incision- 20 staples. I don't know how necessary it is to sue but my friends and dad think otherwise. Also one of my nurses told me that I needed to contact a lawyer. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.
How do i cook corn on the cob in microwave - without shucks?
I have bought some ears of corn from the grocery store pre-shucked. I need to know how to cook them in the microwave (due to a broken oven) the best way to have moist and juicy corn. PS - I like my corn well cooked, nice and soft. Easy 10 pts!
What is the Best size of boots for my horse?
Measure around the bottom... Then go to a tack shop and measure the boot and see which size is the closest
Was Mozart Famous Whilst he was Alive?
It is true that he went through times of financial difficulty, but by the time he died, much of that was behind him. He was buried in the manner that was most common in those days. It was not the fact that he was in financial dire straights that dictated the manner of his interment... it was just done that way in those days.His genius was widely acknowledged, but perhaps less so by the common folk who rarely had access to the kind of concerts the nobility attended. Compare the performance of the Magic Flute in the movie "Amadeus" and the concerts for the Emperor.
Will I outgrow my 15hh horse?
No, Not at all.You probably could grow but it depends on your body type and your puberty level. Most likely you will not outgrow that big guy, hes very stocky and at 15hh, he seems to be okay under you. :)
Do you have to pay for an item which you accidentally broke in a store?
Unfortunately a store can set its own policies regarding the condition of its merchandise. Whereas it doesn't appear that you had any bad intentions or handled it improperly you will always run into places that are stubborn in this respect. If you explained your story and there was still no success the only thing you could've done is maybe talk to a manager about it as they sometimes are more willing to make the "tougher" calls on these sorta things. Luckily it wasn't something overly expensive. Hope this helps!
First fall off my horse question?
I had my second riding lesson on my horse yesterday. He is stiff on his left rein. I am novice because I had a huge confidence knock a while back whilst I had this horse on loan and I basically needed to be taught to ride again. This horse gave me so much confidence! Even though he is very cheeky. So, what we were doing is trotting down once side of the menage then catering up the other side. He used to be extremely overweight but now that he has lost most of it he is becoming very strong. He would be a bit cheeky and try to canter all the way around the school. I managed to make him trot on the left side though. When we changed the rein he trots around on the rein perfectly but is always on the wrong lead in canter. I managed to get him into the right lead and we had a great canter on that rein until it got to where we trot. He bolted around the menage and then he turned a really sharp corner and then just stopped and threw his shoulder to the side. I landed on my head and shoulder quiet hard. I really don't understand though? My shoulder doesn't hurt one tiny bit! My neck it a bit stiff today though. I have a HUGE bruise on my knee and my ankle hurts SO much I can't put any weight on it! I have hurt my ankle before but never so much I can't walk on it. But how did it happen? I landed on my head and shoulder, not my ankle? It's kinda weird. And what should I do about my ankle. If it help he is a 15hh cob so It wasn't a very big fall. This was only my second fall ever and my first fall off him. But I DID get back on and had a nice trot around, not very well though because my ankle hurt. I know it is a stupid question, but how did I hurt my ankle?
...would I need a catheter? ?
There is a chance that I will have to have surgery to repair a tear in my medial meniscus in my left knee. This is an arthoscopic (or however you spell it) so it will only take about a half an hour. Would I need a catheter? That worries me. Thanks.
How long can i go with out peeing before having to go to the doctor?
i just had a baby and ever since she was born i haven't been able to pee. its been about two weeks and i have already had five catheters put in. today i just got it taken out and i was told if i don't feel like i emptied my bladder with in six hours to go to the emergency room and get another catheter put back in. but its already late and im tired n was wondering if it could wait till tomorrow morning?
What 80's Music Video has a White Dove in a bird cage?
From what I remember it is an outdoor wedding beside a swimming pool and the couple argue and start throwing stuff in the pool including a white dove in a bird cage, The dove drowns and a little girl goes to bury it in the garden in a coffin shaped box. when we see the dove in the coffin it is a skeleton and I think the couple become skeletons too.
First pregnancy scared,?
i have a good doctor, i have good Support, but epidurals are scary and natural birth hurts more, but with an epidural you get an catheters hurt me. so i want to know your stories on natural and epidural birth.. so i can choose what to do.
Can I lose half a stone in two weeks with this diet/workout plan?
It sounds like a good diet and exercise routine, but I would pace it over four weeks, then you can lose the weight over a more reasonable time period.
What is difference between foley and straight catheter and why do you use each one?
A foley catheter is more flexible and is meant for longer term use. There is a baloon at the end which, when inflated, allows the tube to remain in the bladder. A straight cath is a quick, "in and out", bladder catheterization. An indwelling foley is left in place for people who are not physically able to use the toilet or need their urine output strictly monitored. A straight cath may be used for individuals who have chronic ballder problems and are able to perform the catheterization themselves or for those people who you will only need to perform the procedure once on.
Insect identification?
its body is appx 1 in. long, and looks somewhat similar to a mole cricket. it's aquatic, and moves by propelling water through a 1 in. tube coming off its' back end. i found it buried in sand in water about 6 in. deep in a freshwater lake in florida. does anyone have any idea what it could be?
Should the riders build match the horses build?
Would you say that a slender rider on a slender horse looks more aesthetically pleasing to say a judge for example. Or would you say that a slim rider on a cob type horse makes the rider look thinner?
Show name for horse called Scarlet?
Was wondering if anyone had any good show name Ideas for my horse Scarlet, she is a 14.2 black cob mare with 1 white sock and white blaze. I have got actually no ideas...any contributions would be greatly appriciated:)
Depression and Self Identity.?
If you are physically healthy then don't be feeling like this! Your health is your wealth! If you have your health you can be happy! You need to help yourself to get out of this now, the longer you leave it the harder it will be to get out of it. Go and talk to a counsellor, that will help you a lot! And make sure to get plenty of fresh air and exercise that will combat your depression. Think positive, and try to get socially involved in your local communtiy, join up with some clubs, and get to know new people, the bigger your social chain the better!
Help with a friend? :/?
Now I get a picture of your friend vividly. Here is how I can analyze her. She just have too much fun talking with all guys on line. Then move into taxing plus calling each other then going into dirty jokes. She just want to do extra since her parents probably forbid her for dating, hanging out with guys or doing chat on line. You can not do much because she will not learn until she gets into real serious problem. You only warn and warn politely otherwise you will loose her friendship. Luckily she does not sleep with him or many guys. Plus she knows how to stop before it gets worst. Try to take her mind off to some place else as such shopping at the mall or eating out at night at the food plaza. Take her smart head to something like planning for a career or travel far away in the future. I wish you well and I hope you still hanging out with her no matter what.
My urine is turning purple, why?
i was in the hospital they had me hooked up to a overnight bag with a catheter and the next day my urine was purple, why is it turning purple and the bag is on the left side of the bed not direct conact view of the window.
Help tired all the time?
Hello all. Firstly long story short. Recently I saw a Dr and he told me to self catheter which I have been. Now hes told me to stop. Fair enough When I last saw him he told me my floods are fine. I had the tests done as I was getting tired. Now I just got out of hospital. Today. As the nurses have put in a catheter which 24/ 7 and I cant take it out. Anyway. Wheb I had cancer 2009. I had chemo 2010. And I was tired all the time But my chemo finished what 8 months ago. And these days I am still getting tired in the day. Now my bloods are fine Now I am really feeling drained. And tired. And also which is expect plain down below Spoke to Dr and he is confused. Btw with thus catheter in. I am still wetting at night. Again help Plus before I was doing the catheter my self. I stopped drinking at night. I get up in morning and I am wet soaked through. So I brought nappies its still happening Can anyone help or give me advise please. If u want to know more please inbox me
Do you need a catheter inserted when you have an operation?
I am having an ovarian cystic mass removed soon via a laparascopy operation and wondered if I would need a catheter because I have seen on a few websites that I would? Or is it mainly for more invasive operations?
Do they insert a urinary catheter with all pain relief during labor?
I'm just about to enter my third trimester so I've been doing a lot of research regarding the types of pain relief available for me. I've noticed that everything I come upon regarding an epidural also comes with a urinary catheter and I'm super not comfortable with that. I guess what I'm wondering is if a catheter is necessary no matter what during the labor process, or if it's only accompanied by certain types of pain relief. Thanks so much.
With a vaginal delivery, if you choose a spinal block do you still have two catheters?
One in your back and one in your uretha? I want to try to have a natural birth but I'm sure I'll be screaming for the epidural at some point. I was told with spinal blocks there are no catheters that remain in your spine/back like an epidural. But the main thing is I don't want one in my uretha, I hate the feeling of them after surgerys I've had...and if they do put a catheter down there when do they take them out?
If someone argued, that ****** was an evil Nation & deserved to be violently attacked, would you listen?
A nation that doesn't manipulate, exploit, or oppress the people of another nation doesn't have so much to worry about in terms of retaliation. Even better if that nation actively spreads goodwill and humanitarianism.
We use spring water for our home?
but when it rains our pump gets buried under gravel, what can we do to prevent this from happening? it causes gravel to be sucked up into our storage tank and then into the house clogging up the faucets
Will we ever stop burying people and start cremating everyone?
I want to be a mortician when I get older(I'm17)my dad owns a funeral home and I appreciate the work that is done with the bodies. I feel that it would take away from the experience of being a mortician when just cremating people all the time. Also when someone is cremated do they dress the body before burning it or do they just lay them in a box with no clothes and then burn the box?
Poll : Which meal would you prefer?
1. Char-broiled Ribeye steak, with baked potato, grilled corn on the cob, side salad and Texas toast, with apple pie for dessert.
Horse walks funny!any ideas what is happening?
my 3 year old light cob has just been sent to be backed and broken.she has been ridden for the first time this week properly with all tack on and i went to watch.she stood lovely and square,was easy to mount and well behaved but i noticed when walking she crossed one leg over the other in a plaiting motion.she didnt do it when led only when mounted!her trot and canter were both straight and flowing and lovely but her walk looked bizarre!as i said she didnt do it from the ground only when being ridden.she is 14.2hh and ridden by a lightweight rider.x
Is there any effects of previous induction in subsequent pregnancies?
In January, My labor was induced because of a loss at 26 weeks. They used cervidil (sp?), catheter with a balloon on the end and they broke my water. I am now 7 weeks pregnant and wondering if the induction could somehow threaten this pregnancy? If it could have any long-term effects on my cervix and whatnot.
Heart catheter surgery for Atrial Septal Defect?
I am getting ready to have heart cath surgery for ASD, and I have heard from one or two friends that after the procedure, you are required to lie flat on your back for a full 24 hours, without even lifting your head. I am wondering if that is entirely true, and if it differs from procedures, since they're all different. My doctor gave me a booklet to take home informing me on the procedure and what to expect. I will be in the hospital overnight after the surgery. It says that after the procedure I should be able to sit up and even walk about. So this gives the impression that, no, I will not have to lie flat on my back for 24 hours, but that I can sit up, get up, and even walk around after. What is your experience? Thanks and God bless.
Had a foley catheter in for 3 months after an accident and never was able to pee again?
It has now been 5 years and have had to use intermittent catheters ever since. Has anyone ever experienced this happening to them?
Dog has been throwing up and stool is black? Help?
I have a one year old husky who threw up 3 times the other morning and then another 3 in the afternoon. The morning vomit was his food from the night before. The later vomit was just bile. I checked his gums and they are a light pink, which I'm not sure if its normal or not. This morning we fed him dog food and rice, afterwards he hacked a little but not vomit. His stool this morning was dark but brown inside, it was soft but still in solid form. He's now on a rice, and chicken broth diet which he seems to eat in seconds. He doesn't appear to be listless he's chewing on bones, running around with me and barking. I just wasn't sure if this behavior was due to something he ate or if it could be melena? He's kept the chicken broth and rice down and also some wet food so far. Some extra info, the day before he threw up my mom fed him 5 turkey dogs which is up he threw up and also he got a hold of a corn on the cob which he torn to pieces. Please help. Thanks in advance.
OMG SALE!!! do i or dont i ?
OMG robinsons are having aq sale and the bridle ive always wanted is �10!! but i dont have a horse:(( it was the bridle i would get if i had one and i was wondering ifi should actyually buy it coz i am deffo getting a horse when i'm older ive alredi saved up �500 for it and im 13 now and i'm going to get a paper round soon so more money coming in. i was just wondering whether i should get it or will that be stupid. i would get a cob or full sized one. is there much differnce really. i know a cob is larger in certain areas and i do plan on getting a cobby horse aswell. sorry if this dont make sense i get super excited when its sale time and there is up to 70% off XD
What's a good flavor of tobacco for a first time smoker?
My friend is turning 18 at the end of the week and he's a little curious about smoking and all that, so I plan on getting him a corn cob pipe and a small amount of pipe tobacco. So what flavor would be typically inexpensive and tastes pretty good to a first time smoker of pipe tobacco?
The costs of a full loan (Uk)?
There isn't a set price for full loan - it's all dependent on where the horse is kept and such. Basically, the best way to explain it is that the owner of the horse only pays for insurance. You pay for everything else e.g. farrier, livery, anything else you decide to buy for it and some vets fees. If the horse had to go in for a major operation, the owner would at least be involved in the fees of this. And I'm pretty sure you only need riders insurance.
Female urinary catheterization. Was it done properly?
I went to urologist today. He is an older, old-school doctor. No bedside manner, but knows his stuff. He diagnosed me 15 months ago with intersticial cystitis. Doc did an ultrasound today and said I had urinary retention and he broke out the catheter. Never had this before. I asked is it was okay to do it since I started mentruating yesterday and had a tampon in. No prob, he said. Then he says okay drop your drawers. So there I am on the table with nothing but a thin paper cover that ended up above my waist anyway with a tampon string hanging out. (It felt pretty humiliating.) Doc put on gloves, but didn't seem to use any sterile techniques. No sterile drape. I don't think he did any sterile cleansing of the area. He just started prodding around to find the uretha and stuck the catheter in. After the procedure, during which 4 cc's of urine was passed, he ordered a cysto and ultrasound. Then gave me a scrip for an antibiotic to take for two days to make sure that I don't get infection from cath. Am I overreacting, or does this sound way to unsanitary and informal?
Will we ever run out of place to bury dead people?
I live beside a grave yard and they get new bodies all the time but never run out of room, so I want to know if we will ever run out of space in my life time to bury dead people.
Omg my family is crazy?
i turned 18 on saturday and I'm already having problems. I'm home schooled so i stay at home with my grandma and grandpa while my mom(who is a single parent and rasing 4 kids by herself) is at work. Well last year in November my grandpa is 84 and had a heart attack and broke his hip, he stayed at the hospital for 4 months and went to rehab. We brought him home about the beginning of this year. And during that year i think the ambulance came to our house 5 times, because my grandma over reacts and calls 911. Well he came home from the hospital last Wednesday and he was wearing a catheter to help him pee and stuff. Well today he wanted to remove it but my grandma said no that he has to wait till Wensday. My grandpa and grandma start argueing and my grandpa calls me down from up stairs and tells me to call my mom from workI say she's at wrok she cant talk on the phone and he tells me to call her anyway so I do and my mom picks up and she talks to my mom. After talking to my mom my grandpa starts argueing AGAIN and calls me down AGAIN to call my mom. But this time my Mom dosen't pick up (which I am glad for) so then he starts cursing my mom out and im staring at him like wtf? I go upstairs and my grandma and grandpa start argueing AGAIN! The problem with my grandma is that she's too controlling she always uses people to do stuff for her. Like yesterday I had to take my grandpa to the bathroom and well he was taking a #2 and guess who had to clean his a.s.s I did! all my grandma did was sit in the living room watching t.v
Was my concern for my casual an overreaction?
We were making love (me on top and him on bottom and he was on his knees and towards the pillows at the top of the bed. Halfway thu he wedged his head between the 2 pillow and buried his face under one pillow. I got very concerned for 2 reasons 1) He was dangerously close to a gap on the back of the bed and was shifting slowly towards it. If he head wedged between the gap and was wide enough it would had trapped him and snapped his neck and 2) There was danger of suffocation under the pillows. I got concerned and asked him Could he breathe? and was he ok? but he was more concerned about the sex then his own safety. And got snappy when I suggested he didn't wedge his head under a pillow like that. Did I overreact???
How do you tell the difference between a spider web and a cob web?
There's either spider webs or cob webs all over my house and I don't know whether a bunch of spiders live in my house or not.
Can we get a court order to exhume my mother in law and bury her in the back yard?!?
My husband has never dealt with his mother's death and misses her immensely. We want to dig her up so he can see her again and hold her and grieve and let go. She died in the winter of 1989. How do we get a court order so we can exhume her and then bury her in our back yard?
Calculating iv fluids via a central venous catheter?
A patient is to receive 500mls of 20% Intralipid via a central venous catheter at a rate of 41mls per hour. The drop rate is 20. How long will it take for the infusion to complete
Thursday, August 11, 2011
We use spring water for our home but when it rains?
our pump gets buried under gravel, what can we do to prevent this from happening? it causes gravel to be sucked up into our storage tank and then into the house clogging up the faucets
What should I make for dinner tonight?
I have ground beef, broccoli, corn on the cob/ loose corn, dinner rolls, frozen mixed veggies, cream of celery soup, chicken gravy, mashed potatoes, golden mushroom soup, green beans, milk, cornbread, macaroni noodles, cheese, eggs, and butter. I can't think of ANYTHING. Please help. Thanks in advance.
What does it mean when someone calls you messy?
I don't understand. People obviously don't mean that your hair has corn on the cob in it or something like that? It is sort of hood language. It doesn't have anything to do with not taking a shower or combing your hair, things like that.
Who is Taylor Swift dating?
Ive heard Jake Gyllenhaal, and did she ever break up with Taylor Lautner. Also what about Duncan from The Buried Life??
Do pet dogs ever eat wild animals?
He sees it as a toy--not food. When something fast darts across the yard, their curiosity kicks in, and they have to know what it is..they catch it, "play with it," but then its all over..
Do you no of a web site i can buy a cob horse?
your unlikely to get a cob for under �2000 really. but try horsemart, horse & hound, horsedeals, adhorse, coloured contacts, the horse exchange, horse quest, horse hunter.
Made food for our friends after the birth of their son haven't heard anything back. Isn't that rude?
That is rude, but I remember how hard things were for me after having a baby. Of course, I didn't feel like being on the computer or anything either, so if she's already on FB she must be feeling better than I did! But try to give them the benefit of the doubt and give it a few more days. I had so many people bringing me dinner that it was hard for me to remember whose dishes were whose. If you still don't hear from her after a few days, give her a call, ask how she's doing and then ask for your dishes back. Be casual about it and just see what she says.
How can I get my fruits and veggies to last longer?
If you want to save money on fresh produce try going to the farmer's market on weekends instead of buying in bulk. You could also look at the regular grocery store once a week and see what seasonal produce are on sale. Stuff that's in season usually goes pretty cheap. If you have a WalMart supercenter they actually have some pretty good produce at cheap prices, they recently re-vamped their produce section with more variety, more attractive and cleaner displays and new products.
Should the riders build match the horses build?
Would you say that a slender rider on a slender horse looks more aesthetically pleasing to say a judge for example. Or would you say that a slim rider on a cob type horse makes the rider look thinner?
Bladder Spasm after SPC insertion?
My friend has paralysis after a traumatic incident and it was decided that it was best to have a Supra Pubic Catheter placed so that after 7 months she could be released from hospital. My friend now has very painful bladder spasms throughout the day which breaks through strong pain relief. She has been told three different things by three different doctors from infection (antibiotics administered with no effect) that it is 'normal' to 'it will get better'. It is now 4 months since the catheter was placed. We would hope that we are able to keep the catheter as it makes caring for her so much easier but the pain has extreme bursts and it is becoming mentally draining for the patient. Has anyone else had this problem or can suggest something to try?
Why some people consider islam and muslims as terrorists?
Actually Muslims were involved in both the Wars mentioned. Dropping the Atomic Bombs on Japan it is estimated actually because it ended the fighting saved anywhere from a low number of 100,000 Japanese and Americans to a High number of over a million. Can't speak for Australia but know for a fact there was never 100,000,000 Native Americans in fact the population of America never reached that number of people until the 20th century. Also native Americans killed each other more often than Europeans coming here did. It was called Tribal territory battles,i mean why were they living in there own tribes separate from other tribes. Can't speak for South America but i know for a fact there were never not even close to the number of Africans taken as slaves. Most were bought by slave traders from other African Tribes who had captured them in battles. Also i doubt if Africa had even a 180 million people then. And Muslims still have Slavery where as the western world ended it. There is a old saying and your guilty of it which goes figures do not lie but those who do figures do.
Do you want to be buried or cremated?
I ask this as ive been thinking about what I want...and right now I think when I die I want to be cremated because I know I'll be dead but I don't like the idea of my body been in the cold underground with maggots eating be cremated and have my ashes thrown over a place I love seems more of a peaceful idea to me...How about you?
Is My Horse Ok Or Sick ?
I have a 3yr old Cob he`s not been broken-in yet I love him I see him everyday he`s new to the stable`s i boarded him in he`s in a field with 2 other horse`s 2 mare`s (He`s a Gelding) I take him out everyday groom him pet him take him to the arena for some work and sometimes take him to the lake at the stable`s the horse`s in the field don`t like him he has no friend`s lately he has his ears down all the time he`s eating properly and look`s healthy it just worries me that he has his ears are always down is he sick or is it just because he`s new ?
Brain Aneurysm my grandma not knowing her family.?
Oh My...Grandma had a serious brain bleed and that did lots of damage, some of it may be the meds but most likely it was/is the trauma and may not get much better than this. I wish your family much luck in this trying time.
What's a good bridle for showjumping?
He is a head strong cob and at the moment I use a flash bridle I was thinking about a Grackle Bridle but not sure it has to also be good for show jumping. Any other good bridles to recommend ?
Urinary Blockage in a cat question?
My cat Bugsy went to the animal hospital, last Saturday, cause he was not urinating and he started to throw up. The vet said that he was totally blocked. They put a catheter in him and said that there was lots of blood in his urine. They said they pulled the catheter Wednesday morning because his urine was clear. They kept him over night to monitor him and to see if he would urinate on his own. I called to check on him this morning. They said that they had to put the catheter back in because when Bugsy tried to urinate only a little bit came out and now there is more blood in his urine. They also said that when he had the catheter in he seemed really relaxed and he was acting like a normal cat. They said for me to plan on him being there for the weekend. Does anyone know how long it usually takes for a cat that was blocked to start urinating on their own? I miss my poor little guy. It's been 6 days since I've seen him.
Ivf steps.... plz help?
Well this is your life or simply try to adapt or get a real man without grossing us out. There is a reason for everything.
How dirty can a house be when you do the following?:?
After reading your questions I recommend that you see a therapist to help you deal with your issues. If you cannot afford one, you should go to your local county courthouse to get help from a social worker. A social worker can help you get a place to live and free mental health care.
Canter and circle issues?
My cob can canter no problem - he can also circle no problem in walk & trot, however the two don't seem to go together. He gets around 3/4 around the canter circle and spirals into the centre and goes into trot. He does this no matter who rides him. Any ideas?
How do I bring someone back from the death?
My great great great grandpa knows the location to some buried treasure, so I need him alive to tell me where it is so I can be rich.
Help! What should i do?
i turned 18 on saturday and I'm already having problems. I'm home schooled so i stay at home with my grandma and grandpa while my mom(who is a single parent and rasing 4 kids by herself) is at work. Well last year in November my grandpa is 84 and had a heart attack and broke his hip, he stayed at the hospital for 4 months and went to rehab. We brought him home about the beginning of this year. And during that year i think the ambulance came to our house 5 times, because my grandma over reacts and calls 911. Well he came home from the hospital last Wednesday and he was wearing a catheter to help him pee and stuff. Well today he wanted to remove it but my grandma said no that he has to wait till Wensday. My grandpa and grandma start argueing and my grandpa calls me down from up stairs and tells me to call my mom from workI say she's at wrok she cant talk on the phone and he tells me to call her anyway so I do and my mom picks up and she talks to my mom. After talking to my mom my grandpa starts argueing AGAIN and calls me down AGAIN to call my mom. But this time my Mom dosen't pick up (which I am glad for) so then he starts cursing my mom out and im staring at him like wtf? I go upstairs and my grandma and grandpa start argueing AGAIN! The problem with my grandma is that she's too controlling she always uses people to do stuff for her. Like yesterday I had to take my grandpa to the bathroom and well he was taking a #2 and guess who had to clean his a.s.s I did! all my grandma did was sit in the living room watching t.v What should I do? I don't have a liscence because my mom never has time. I don't have a job because I take care of my grandpa when my mom is at work. I have friends but I barely hang out with them because I have to take care of my grandpa 24/7. But I do have my GED though
Learning to carriage drive?
I did driving for a few years but the lessons got to expensive for me, was costing �40 for an hour lesson. Its not cheap but is great fun :)
What would be a good first horse for me?
I have ridden horses for 6 years. I love quarter horses and Welshes. I once leased a Welsh cob named Twix for about 2 years and I adored her. But, unfortunately she was sold to a different farm:( I've also worked with a very clumsy chestnut quarter horse named Jon, who was another one of my favorites. I would consider myself an intermediate rider and I am good with stubborn horses. Where would I find a horse for a couple thousand? And what would another good breed be to look?
What size horse should I be riding?
I would definitely say you need a taller horse, your weight is fine, I ride a 14 hand pony who can easily take my weight but he is also a little small for me I'm 5' 8, and my legs do the same thing, I only ride him because he needs schooling, but I prefer riding a tall horse because of it. You should be anywhere between 15 and 17 hands, though going to tall can be a problem to, you should be fine though.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Cob In-hand showing help?
entering my boy in his first ever competition, going to do a traditional cob in-hand showing class. what do you actually have to do in it? and what show I wear & my cob show wear?
What should I name my story?
Okay, so in the story a goth-ish guy, Seth, is picked to save the world from the apocalypse. His best friend Jamie turns out to be an angel sent to protect and watch him. He gets to heaven to train with his army to save the earth and is vehemently denying he's the chosen one and all that. Turns out no one can train him because he's so strong so they get a special trainer who teaches Seth to control his powers. He ends up being really great friends with these 3 people; a guy in his old training group, his trainer, and the other really powerful girl being trained. Well, the guy he becomes great friends with dies while fighting with a guy who can control fire, and Seth decides that he doesn't want to save the earth anymore and runs off to the woods to quote "get eaten by bears or something." Well, his trainer comes and teaches him how to control the element of spirit even though he doesn't have enough control of his powers yet, so he can talk to the guy. And then the spirit of the guy tells him to fight for him so he does, and ends up training a lot with the other powerful girl. They fall in love and all that cliche stuff. And then, the date of the apocalypse comes, and Seth has to fight the leader of the evil causing the apocalypse. Not 10 minutes before they fight, the leader fatally wounds the girl Seth loves. So Seth gives her a last kiss as she dies, and is majorly pissed off. He destroys the evil in a brutal fashion, and it ends happily ever after. The last scene is Seth and his trainer (being two of the few surviving main characters) burying the dead, and Seth has a heartbreaking monolouge at the end. It's crappy, I know, I'm not planning on publishing, just writing it while I'm grounded so I don't die of boredom. I need a title, and any pointers or suggestions or constructive critisism you have is welcome. Don't be a douche, I have fragile self esteem. Thanks in advance!
Why Was John F. Kennedy Buried at Arlington National Cemetery?
It was not because he had been President of the United States. The only other President to be buried at Arlington was William Howard Taft, who died in 1930, and who had served as President and as Chief Justice of the United States. No President since Kennedy has been buried at Arlington. Kennedy is not the only President to have been assassinated, and he is not the only President to have served in the military during wartime. Except for Taft and Kennedy, every other deceased President is buried somewhere other than Arlington. So why was Kennedy buried at Arlington?
Help! My horse is allergic to knats?
I have a cob-type horse Simon who is allergic to gnats. He doesn't swell up much, just a little bit thats barely noticeable, but he looses his hair! He'll start itching his face, his neck, and his one of his hind legs, and dead skin, and hair, will rub off of him in clumps. I've tried fly spray, but that has little to no effect, and every time I put a fly mask on him he just scratches it off! I'm starting to show him soon but I really need this problem fixed! Please help me!
Who had the best dinner tonight?
Herbed Chicken breast with balsamic reduction, sauteed onions, all over wild rice, with grilled asparagus :) oh and crusty basil pesto grapeseed oil bread. its soooo good. one of my favorite meals :D
How do you get rid of thrush?
my cob has thrush, and we cant seem to get rid of it. weve tried bactakill, hibiscrub, and somethin the farrier recommended, but its hasnt got rid of it completely. is there anythin else i can use?
If you die, would you want your body launched into space?
Imo I'd prefer it over being buried on earth or cremated. You die and your body gets put in a capsule and just gets sent of into deep space, with your favorite belongings, if you want.
What's the most disgusting smell you've ever smelt?
Well when I was younger I caught a frog and had it in a bug container, it died, 5 days later I opened the container to bury it......
Is this scene too graphic?
No, I've seen more graphic than that in stories aimed at teens. Check out some of Judy Blume's books for teens, specifically Forever and you'll see things more graphic than that.
How can i help my sister?
just an idea adding to the leasing out.. maybe see if someone at another barn wants to full lease her horse? that way they pay all the expenses and she gets exercise but your sister still owns her and can see her whenever she wants. thats what i'm doing with my horse but i'm the leaser not the owner & her owners decided to be out of the picture.. fingers crossed they stay that way!:)
Early pregnancy and a catheter safe?
I took a early pregnancy test and went to hospital and they said not pregnant. They also gave me a catheter during my visit there. But i came home and took another EARLY test and it said positive again. Im thinking the hospital didnt do a early test... but the point is... Is my baby going to be okay from the catheter being put in?
Is this scene too graphic?
No, I've seen more graphic than that in stories aimed at teens. Check out some of Judy Blume's books for teens, specifically Forever and you'll see things more graphic than that.
How will I know when my epidural headache is gone?
Wow you have been through alot, I'm so sorry.I think you need to see if your doctor can get you in with a Neurologist so they can see why your headache keeps coming back.
Can a dog have a Catheter placed in them for insulin injections?
well our dog sandy has diabetes and gives us difficulty inserting the needle. we have tried everything we can think of and she freaks out over it. we need to know if a catheter is right for insulin shots for dogs.
Do I have herpes type 2?
I'd trust the pcr test more than the swab; I've only heard of a swab test for HIV. It's unusual to be - for type 1 herpes, most people have it, even if they don't have cold sores. Sometimes herpes doesn't respond to a particular medicine - there are about 3, maybe you should try another beside the aciclovir. Were you - for gonorrhea, chlamydia, trich and syphilis? It could be a couple of things going on, possibly an allergic reaction w/ a bladder infection? Because if the symptoms started only 24 hrs. after the sex, that's pretty early for STD symptoms to show. Usually they show up no earlier than 3 days after exposure. Also, has enough time passed for your body to create antibodies? I think the herpes pcr test requires a one month wait; blood tests require a 3 month wait.
Medical advise Male problem HELP?
I recently had to get tested for...any problems in my prostate. They stuck a catheter up know. I didn't get any pain relief so it hurt really bad. I don't have anything wrong there, so I went home. But it didn't take the numbing gel they offer because they would have to go up there again. It was in the morning and it still hurts. They said it would but would stop eventually. But I just want to know if there's anything I can do to make it hurt less. Some guy said masturbate but I want to check if that wont cause pain. I just want to be very clear on my situation. That's why Im asking. Thanks for any help,
Help with my two yr old gelding ?
hi ive got a b/w heavy cob he is two yrs old and he is 15,1 hh now a big strong lad just want some tips on ground work with him long reining etc learn him to respond to pressure as he is slightly bull headed and pulls away from me with him being big he pulls me over i need him to respect me any tips will be great thanks
Why was the crossword fan buried six feet down and three feet across?
I am still trying to figure out how the yahoo user named "Choo Choo" got to be a clue in the Sunday New York Times crossword puzzle this past Mother's Day. Who did she sleep with?
Any Head carriage Advice?
The best option would be to purchase some running reigns. They are extra reigns which attach to the girth and put through the bit which keeps the horse's head down. It is like riding in a double bridle pretty much. It may take some time getting used to it but I can assure, the results are splendid.
Please read!! I need some advice. What to do about my 'seems to be' UTI?
You really need to see your doctor and tell him/her that you are still having pain. Maybe it wasn't he right antibiotic, or you needed another round. Best to go back to your doctor.
Have I got food poisoning?
Earlier today roughly about six hours ago, I ate some raw cake mix. I also had a sausage cob and the sausage was very slightly pinkish although the outside was thourghly cooked. Then about an hour ago I got very severe stomach cramps, chills, became sweaty and very nauseous and thought I was going to vomit(I didn't but I felt like I needed too) it lasted for at least half an hour and then went completely and I feel fine, maybe a tiny bit nauseous but nothing serious. But now I have stomach cramps again, like period pains and constantly needing the toilet and have diahorrea. Do I have food poisoning? If not what else could it be?
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
8 Weeks 4 Days No Heartbeat?
I had an ultrasound done about alil over a week ago and the heartbeat was very strong and the doctor told me that since im lil more then halfway through my pregnancy and the heartbeat is 158 that my chances of miscarrying were slim.. yesterday i went to my friends birthday/grad party and i was feeling sick.. so i went to the bathroom and threw up.. then i had to use the bathroom and when i sat down i seen red spotting, then when i wiped i had a dark clot and i freaked.. i also had some cramping too.. but i dont soak a pad its only when i wipe now.. my mom took me to the hospital.. they did a urine and blood test.. said the blood test for the hcg levels were high * but at the end of the visit said they will go down which i dont see how thats possible when they keep goin up instead of down * and when they done an ultrasound, the lady left the catheter in * last time the lady that done my ultrasound took it out * and then left it in my area and said she was goin to get the ER doctor and he came in and looked too and then came by my side, started rubbing my forehead saying its not my fault, things like this happen, then said the dreaded words that i knew were coming cause i started crying when she left the room for the doctor and said they couldnt find a heartbeat and i lost it.. they gave me zanex to help me sleep but i still got up through the night and morning crying, asking god for the heartbeat back and id do anything for it to come back.. i dont get how i can have a strong heartbeat about a week ago, and then it disappear.. im so devastated and they wanna do a D&C monday if it doesnt pass through.. but i just dont understand how the heartbeat was sooo strong and everything was fine then it just dies? someone please explain this to me, cause im losing my mind and i cant sleep even with the medication :(
Epidural Question...Please help!!?
From what i have read and was told about epidurals....... it could possibly be permanent but your doctor can tell you if it is or not. I was still numb like a week later and i had extreme back pain from where the epidural was, but it went away, since then though i've been afraid to get on because i dont want any permanent damage, but its a risk you take every time you get on.
Cam masturbation damage urethra tube?
Not sure Jason, I think I would ask my doctor. I wouldn't think it would but better to be safe than sorry.
Why would one have to use a catheter daily?
I have been seeing a lot of tele commercials lately regarding catheter ordering/sales for those who use them daily (mostly women depicted in the commercials). I sincerely (and empathetically) just wanted to know why these poor women unfortunately would have to use catheters daily, and what exactly are they? I had always thought it was some kind of urinary device? I was just wondering, as I see these on the tele all the time.
Are the squirrels in my yard going to die if we stop feeding them?
Actually, they could start to die off. When you feed wild animals (especially foragers like squirrels) they ecome dependant on you for food. They know where to find it and will continue tocome back whether the corn is there or not. if money is that tight, wean the squirrels off gradually... Put a half corn cob in there a day for a week and then a half every other day the next and so on and so forth. They'll start looking for food elsewhere.
I can't think of the name of this movie HELP?
It's about a boy IDK ifhe's a rat or a cat and he sucks the girls breath away. I can only remember parts and the parts I do remember are really random like the boys mom kills someone with a corn cob and close to the end the boy is like a rat or cat or something and the mom tells the girl he wants to dance with you, then at the end alot of cats come and I think they eat the boy or suck his breath away? I know it's really random, but that's like alll I can remember. Thannks in advance!
Infection after birth?
If I had an infection I would be running a fever right? I have taken my temp two days in a row and it is 98.5, not a fever. I had a urinary infection after the birth from the catheter and I got treated early on because I knew something was not right. I am now four weeks post partum and I am no longer bleeding but I had some wierd discharge that was a strange color. I am not sure if it was this color because the bleeding is stopping but still a little there? Should I be worried about it or no sense I don't have a fever, chills, cramps, or anything? I have some pains occasionally but they are generally in my rib area probably from everything going back to normal.
Experiences on Foley catheter inductions?
I am due may 18th but have been told they are inducing me may 10th due to my chronic high blood pressure. I have had a previous c section so my guess is my induction will be a Foley catheter induction. I am going to talk with my OB at my appointment Tues about it, but would love to hear experiences. Did it work without pitocin or the use of any other chemical?
Mixing up first and last syllables of words..?
I am 22, just recently went to college, I noticed that when I write things get mixed up, for example I will say Wob Cebbs instead of cob webbs and this also happens when i speak, a lot! Sometimes I will also start writing a letter from inside out, if i was too write important, i may start writing at the letter o. When I was young i used to get b, d, q mixed up but isn't that normal. I find it hard to believe I have dyslexia, i don't remember when i was i wrote. And my spelling and grammar skills are great i am an excellent speller and i don't have trouble reading. You can't just wake up one day with dyslexia can you..I thought it was a childhood disorder. Gosh, even writing this note out I made so many errors and had to go back!!
Why does my dog bury my things outside?
My dog always takes my things (shoes, socks, blankets) and he buries them outside in the yard. I find it weird because he only takes MY things. My husband and son always leave their stuff laying around, but it's always only my stuff. The dog is not afraid of me, he loves me. So it's not that. What could be his problem?
I was looking at Bridles and the sizes were like 'Cob' and 'Full'?
I live in Australia. I was looking at riding Bridles and I noticed in the sizes they were 'Cob' and 'Full' what do they mean?
What does H.H. mean in guitar tablature?
I was trying to play Buried Alive by Avenged Sevenfold and I got to a stage where it says 12(24) on the high e string and above it it says H.H. could someone please tell me what this stands for
What to expect in nursing school?
Oh yeah we had those dummies too. They taped us doing our scenarios and we watched them back as a class.The teacher can make the dummy talk to help you do your assessments. Yes there is also a LOT of speaking done up in front of the class in nursing school. Lots of presentations.
My dog was shot. How can i stop dwelling on the past?
try working at a shelter where dogs need a lot of attention and love this may help you get over your loss. When you do get another dog make sure that it can not get out and cause trouble.
Can i be buried in a bathing suit?
haa i know this sounds really weird but me and my friends came across the conversation and i actually wanna be buried in my bikini or my white and pink one-piece and i thought, could that even happen?? lol of course only if i died young. but would i be able to get buried in a bathing suit if i died young? :p
Very dramatic serious relationship prob, what's your advice?
To make a very long story short... my hubby and I have been together since high school. We married very young. After several years of marriage he said he doesn't want kids. I was crushed... my major in college was child edu and my dream was to be a mom. We finally agreed to try for baby but he was extremely self centered and didn't really like the idea. After several vey early miscarriages my hubby found out it was due to his sperm, he had a condition that caused early miscarriage. I'd gone through several IVF fertility treatments for pregnancy due to his infertility condition. I became very ran down after so many tries and early miscarriages. After several losses, the Dr said to give up on hubby's sperm, as hubby had no hope of a healthy pregnancy. (The Dr said my only hope to have a biological child or experience pregnancy was to do donor sperm. (We looked into adoption and found a 5 year wait, it cost thousands beyond what we could afford and sadly... what adoptions were affordable were developmentally challenged or older children). So we did donor sperm, hubby refused to help pick donor... I did it alone and I became pregnant 1s try. But what the DR or I didn't know until it was too late... I was not fully recovered from what I went through from my hubby's tries and losses and this baby had no chance, a boy was lost at 5 months along due to my body being used so much and ran down for my hubby. He was rather uncaring and unemotional in all this and really had no more desire for a baby then he did before, it was all me and felt so alone. He has NO emotion, everyone calls him the guy from star trek... Data and he's exactly like that no joke. So he wanted to keep all this secret. I grew up in foster homes so I had no family to share with and only knew his family who he keept all this a secret from. So taking a year to recover, I'm super healthy before all this I wanted to get back to that... we try donor again and I become pregnant 1st try. I did all the baby planning, gear etc alone. I dragged him to lamaze lessons, he was zero involved unless i dragged him. His only involvement was to tell me pregnant women can have sex and after all I've been through my Dr said no way and I told him to forget it. So he talks me into it when I'm 4 months along and I got a bladder infection and had to get a catheter put in until antibiotics kicked in. Then, he comes home and feels sick and I said don't kiss me and sure enough I get the FLU. Months later baby is due finally, labor comes and he leaves me alone for 8 hours while he cleans the garage telling me "it's too early to go to the hosp". I make him take me after 8 hours and the DR says I arrived at 9cm, hubby helps zero with breathing, labor or delivery. Baby gets here and hubby loves baby so much and wants to play with him and be dad... BUT he can't seem to help at night as he's too tired and will only help me if he's well slept, fed and it's convenient. I'm fortunate to stay home, hubby works and is an amazing provider but only helps with chores at home when it's convenient too. His family has no idea we did doner. They're a bunch of loser drug addicts or enablers and I don't want them around or holding my son. And they all think my son is their blood and that my hubby is this homebody wonderful family man. Oh, and after years of marriage he says he never believed in the bible and I'm Christian so this is conflicting and hard for how alone I am in the way I hope to raise my son in morals and values. My hubby doesn't do anything immoral, drink or smoke or use bad language. He's just emotionally dead and could care less about people. He only cares about himself. Is it wrong that I don't want to share my son with him? Do I let my son call him Dad? I don't want my son treated like I am, cared about only when my hubby approves or it's convenient. Any advice is appreciated.
Women, how bad was it when you got your HSG?? Hysterosalpingogram??? Please Read!?
Take motrin/Aleve before the procedure. Continue it for the next 2 days as instructed on the bottle. Wear a liner. You will be fine. You can watch the procedure on a monitor so focus on that and remember your reasons for having it done.
What's that movie on mtv?
it was supposed to premiere not too long ago.. it was about those 4 teenagers that run off the road and they get buried under a lot of snow and are trapped and they start spilling all of their secrets to each other? please help!
Is this a good diet plan? achievable in 6 weeks?
Consider eating something like egg whites for breakfast. They are packed with protein which takes longer for your body to metabolize, thus helping you feel full longer. Cut out soft drinks, try to switch to brown rice for dinner, and limit use of excessive condiments (bbq sauce, ketchup, creamy salad dressings, etc) at dinner.
How tall do you think he will be?
Ok so I have a Thoroughbred x Welsh Cob x Belgian, and I would like to know how tall you think he will be. Both parents were around 16hh and he is currently 15.1 ish and is a year old. Any guesses would be great! thanks!
Can type 1 Diabetes/hyperglycemia cause vomiting?
I had DKA and I took a sip of water and threw it up in 5 seconds, I threw up for 24 hours straight. It got so bad I was throwing up acid and burned my throat so bad I was in ICU for 5 days, I could not keep anything down. That didn't used to happen but as with everything you change over time, so the answer to your question is YES
Which kind of bedding is better for my hamster?
It's getting hot and I use to use pine bedding but it sticks everywhere, it is however comfy to sleep on. So should I buy xorncob or something like that I don't know what it was but it was like dried corn. I'm really nit sure if it's even called corn cobs cause I know what thy is and it deffinetly doesn't look like it. Anyway would that be better it's like mini and kinda hard but I think that would be cooler for them. Seems hard to sleep on yhough. Should I switch. If what asking isn't clear enough then tell me an I'll prove my question. An get link to both beddings. :) thankssssss from now!!!
It is ok for her to hack alone?
I wouldn't have her go alone. At my old barn, you had to be over 16 to go out alone. I say 18. The horse may not have spooked so far, but this was in a group. When the horse is alone, he will feel more vulnerable and be more likely to spook.
Where can I find elote (mexican style corn on the cob) in Chicago?
I been hearing so much about it for years and still have never come close. I also hear that there are street vendors out their but where? Are their any restaurants?
After-death alternatives?
Thats just creepy... i dont think that could work. But i heard that being cremated frees the soul or something like that
Whats a Catheter in pregnancy?
Im pregnant and ive been hearing about them alot now and im not really sure what they are, do you just have to get one if you have a UTI or what?? Thanks
Catheter during surgery?
A few weeks ago I had surgery on my cut tendons and nerve in my wrist. It was a 4 hour procedure, however I was aloud to keep my underwear and PJ shorts on during it. However I was wondering if they inserted and removed a foley catheter when I was asleep? I didn't have one inserted when I went to theater and then I didn't wake up with one. However after the 4 hour surgery I was then in the recovery room for 6 hours, before going back to the ward and having a wee.
Show name for my skewbald cob x palomino?
i have a skewbald mare called rainbow who i take in showing classes, mainly driven type.. coloured.. and best condition.. lots of first and seconds.. we have qualified for equifest royal london and a few more but only have the show name 'over the rainbow' she has a very cheeky attitude towards everything, also has a little twitch to her bottom lip ;) thanks!
Early pregnancy and a catheter safe?
I took a early pregnancy test and went to hospital and they said not pregnant. They also gave me a catheter during my visit there. But i came home and took another EARLY test and it said positive again. Im thinking the hospital didnt do a early test... but the point is... Is my baby going to be okay from the catheter being put in?
We broke up but this happened and cant stop thinking about it?
Ok, its a long story but to cut it short, he is my first boyfriend,im 21. He cheated and we broke up,stopped talking alot of tension. Its been about 1month, saw him at Walmart, we just stared at each other. Wasnt expecting that. Went over to his house to settle and bury the drama.We got emotional Ended up making out rubbing and touching each other on the counter in his kitchen but I stopped it. (that happened after the fact he cheated,1 month went by of us not talking or seeing each other) ( actually happened yesterday :P )Im a virgin 100% waiting till marriage but he went out and cheated and I didnt find out till I went through his phone and NOW this happened? What should we do? He my first real boyfriend, I mean he was the sweetest guy ever. The best dates :( I must admit I miss his kisses,hugs,late night talks. I dont want it to be awkward because we go to the same college and most likely see him everyday :(
How long to cook fresh corn on the cob?
I usually put my corn in the pot cover with water and when it comes to a boil it is done. Or you can wrap it in foil with butter and salt and pepper added and either cook it on the grill for about 30 minutes or in your oven for about 30 to 45 minutes
Can anyone give me a legit. explination for this?
Don't ask, but me and af ew friends like to go to graveyards and take pictures of the statues and pick up pics of apparitions. We were near the infant area and my sister took a picture of a wall with angel statues reading a book to some children. when she told us to look we didn't se anything, but she took another picture and i saw what appeared to be a humanoid silhouette, with eyes that reflected the flash of the camera. We checked the camera right away but nothing showed up on it at all. And before anything religious is said, im pagan, i have been going to this cemetery for years now, and i know people buried in there. I respect all opinions, but i am the only one, as far as this question is concerned right now, to have a smart *** comment. I have never encountered that in the past 8 years of going there. And crazy or not, cemeteries are very comforting to me usually.
Monday, August 8, 2011
Can people be buried in bathing suits?
Haha i know this sounds really weird but me and my friends came across the conversation and i actually wanna be buried in my bikini, and i thought, could that even happen?? lol of course only if i died young. but would i be able to get buried in a bathing suit if i died young? :p
Question about kidney infection?
I went to the ER this past Sunday AM with horrible pains in my stomach and not being able to urinate. They gave me a catheter, some saline, and pain meds and sent me on my way hours later diagnosing me with a bad kidney infection. Yesterday the stomach pains were gone but today they are back almost as bad as they were when I went into the ER. Should I go back in or is this normal? I have been taking my antibiotics and resting, but I had to come back to work today.
Ex-inlaws & a tricky situation ?
I would bluntly tell them, "You lost your goddamn minds if you think I'm gonna take any s.h.i.t. from you. Here's my rules that we WILL play by: You do the right thing and you see MY kids. You act like a bunch of goddamn idiots and you don't see my kids. Don't f.u.c.k. with me! I will set you straight and think nothing of it!!"
Horse Health Any Tip`s ?
The best tip I can come up with is DON'T GET A PONY/HORSE until you have really learned about them. See my answer from yesterday.
Please answer my question :( When will I start to feel normal again after a complicated hysterectomy?
He went from laparoscopic to open, cut an artery, I bled out a lot and needed 2 blood transfusions and he also cut my bladder and I have a catheter for 2 weeks. I am one week post op today. Thanks for any input on it.
Are men turned off when their girlfriend gets drunk and calls them?
it doesn't sound like he was turned off by your messages. but, for future reference, don't drink too much because that is kind of embarrassing.
The best tick collars for cats?
Lately my kitty Molly has been having a lot of ticks on her! Since the weather is warmer shes been going out a lot lately. I don't know what to do. I don't want to take her away from being outdoors since shes a bangel and very active and wild! I don't know exactly which brands are the best? Wanna clue me in? Right now I have a mid line catheter in me for lymes disease! Ironically! I get my IV medicine daily and I hate it. Its only for a month but I don't want it to be any longer then that! I can't get lymes again! Please help!
If you could make a zombie lego movie what would it be about?!?
One day john was walking!Suddenly he saw a shadow!He got closer to the shadow!When he was close to the shadow a zombie popped out and ate him!Mean while danny was walking in the cementary when suddenly a hand popped out and buried danny in the grave!While george was bieng chased by zombies a zombie bit his head!...3 people has been killed 3 hours ago said reporter Tiffany.Well i got to go said Amy....3 minutes later Paul and will Were watching Dectictive Dean trying to solve the Mystery of Johns death!It seems it was a cannibal who left the bite marks on Johns head!Said Dectictive dean!Suddenly John got up and bit dectictive Dean!We got to run said Officer Thomas!Paul ,Will ,Henry ,and Thomas hid in Walmart....Im gonna check on my car said Daphne.Ok said Amy!When Daphne got outside a zombie bit Daphne!Then The zombie went inside the party!Everybody ran out of the party room ,but Brian felled ,and the zombie ate Brian!...Lets watch the news said Officer Thomas.As you can see the military are killing the zombies said Reporter Ron.Oh no Surgent Iam just got killed by the zombies said Reporter Ron.Suddenly the zombies attacked the military and Ron!Suddenly a zombie attacked reporter Tiffany.Suddenly a guy named jack chopped Henrys arm and left!He must be a physco said Henry!Were gonna hunt jack down said Officer Thomas!Henry you stay here said Paul.When Henry was alone a zombie popped out of the roof and ate Henry!Meanwhile Jack popped out and chopped officer Thomas head!Paul and Will got in a fight with Jack!Suddenly a group of zombies ate Jack!Paul and Will Got in a car!When they saw a soldier they told the soldier what happened.The soldier name was Roger.Roger took Paul and Will inside his airplane.Paul and Will were happy to see Amy in the airplane! THE END
How long should i bleed from catheter? ive had it in for 4 days and still bleeding is this normal?
it usually only comes out in the morning and i have to have the catheter for 7 days. Also, is it normal for a light brown liquid to come out of the penis? ive been told heaps of times that brown is old blood but is light brown normal?
How do I get over feeling traumatized?
I overdosed on kolonopin and wellbutrin (I know I shouldn't have. I'm very depressed and was trying to pass out to stop an anxiety attack) I went to the hospital and tried kept trying to take out the IV and leave because I am absolutely terrified of hospitals and didn't know that I had no right to refuse treatment. The tied me to the bed with leather handcuffs and ankle cuffs, forced a catheter into me, which was humiliating and extremely painful. The nurses were very rude saying I did it to myself because I was the one who overdosed. (I understand it's the truth but I couldn't handle it put that way at a time like that) I play it over and over in my head and have nightmeres. Everytime I think about it the emotions are just as bad as when it was happening. What do I do? I can't go out or take care of my kids because I am so traumatized by this. I have talked to a therapist and she told me "they were just doing there jobs" etc So the therapy is making me feel worse because I feel like everyone thinks I'm upset about nothing. I don't understand why I shouldn't be bothered by this. I don't know how to make myself feel better.
Should i bury money/coins/gold etc?
Just a thought..If its in a bank or safe deposit box you could theoretically lose it. If its in your house you could get robbed and lose it.If its buried in a safe spot its never going to get lost.I mean old coins that are just worth the melt value or gold Or some money ,just in case. Years ago old people lost everything so they buried there money and never lost it again. Thoughts,ideas?
I have a temporary catheter in, and I am having trouble walking!?
you should not have any pain or discomfort with a catheter. if u do which you have said then u need 2 ask the nurse when it gets changed. Also u said its temporary, so seeing as u aint had 1 in b4, thats why its feeling slightly odd down below. any probs, u should just ask the professionals.
Had a fake virus scanner virus. Now my computer is messed up?
I had an often invaded fake anti virus program that was usually fixed easily enough, I had another attack today, And thought I had gotten rid of it..But apparently did not..I thought I found the file associated with the attack, And deleted it completely.. Something called Cob, Cab, Cobi...Or something along those lines..I could be way off...Now, Whenever I try to start any program it always asks me what file I want to start it with, The association screen pop's up asking what program I want to use to start it...And nothing will start!..I can't even go into safe mode, Or do any kind of system restore! It just wont let me..It wont allow me to open any files!? Any ideas on how to help this issue?!
My bearded dragon died?
Ok i dont know what happened on this morning i was looking at him with his eyes opened and all dried . i dont understand i fed him my mom fed him with plenty of water . i have a heating lamp for him he was a good boy and he is 4 years old and he died august 25 which is today . i love him so much , i her lots of people ha this with their beardies is it going around? what do i do when he dies do i bury him? my mom wants me to trow him away cus she hates reptiles and dont want to see him dead. what do i do
How do i get my horses mane to grow back?
Oh my goodness, I would cry if someone did that to my horse! I know there are some pretty cheap-ish products that you can get which claim to help grow it back, but I think time will be the main factor.. Don't worry though, it will grow back to it's former glory.. i once rescued a horse that had it's mane basically shaved off for some unknown reason, and within a few months of having him, it had grown a good 8 inches..megatrek rebuilder is what i used. good luck!!
People with Belly piercings:).?
I've had mine since 2001. I think I paid about $40 for it, don't remember that far back. I got it because it looks pretty. It hurt really bad. It's never been infected.
What causes rectal bleeding?
Rectal bleeding is common (especially in women). If it is bright red, and if it is not vaginal, it is external - and of no medical concern. People have hemorrhoids, small fissures, pimples, and many external (or anal) bleeds. They heal. My advise is simple do not irritate the region. Treat the area gently - as if it were diaper rash. Wipe it gently with an unscented baby wipe (always wipe from front to back).
Teaching someone elses horse to go at YOUR pace?
I would let him move his feet, but the direction should be chosen by you. Turn him around, a 180 turn from where you were going. Take off the side of the path and circle him around or figure 8 across the path for a bit until he is calm. Then go forward on the trail again, ask him to stop and back up a few steps. Keeping the feet busy keeps the mind busy and you have to control the mind or you will never control the feet. Just find some little tasks for him to do and then move forward again. If you are consistent, he will be better and listen to you. You have the right idea, but if the owner is also riding him, it will be pretty much a constant thing to have to remind him that he must be accepting of a change in his usual path. Too bad the owner does not ever vary his routine. If that is something the owner would consider and you feel comfortable asking, it would help you and the horse. Personally, I don't do the same thing repeatedly. We have a different group of tasks to accomplish every day so my horses never know what to expect so they don't get into a rut. I always dismount at a different place. Horses learn quickly and are very smart so as humans we have to work at keeping them paying attention and happy in their job. You will do great. Sounds like a nice horse.
I need help on a case study for my pharmacology class?
for everyone who answered this question. I had this same case study for my pharmacology class due today and I had spent several hours trying to organize my notes into something reasonable. You are all amazing and very helpful! Thanks again for helping me organize MY case study and not forget key points!
I am nervous for some reason?
I don't know why! I am REALLY scared because last time I got nervous was about 2 months ago, right before a group riding lesson and then I got bucked off a 16.3hh heavyweight cob and hurt myself and it STILL hurts! (I landed on my back dogey and ripped a muscle. The time before, about 5 months ago I went riding and had my first canter and I fell off and jared my arm, neck and cut all my waist. It is like I know or something? Every day before riding, when I get nervous I fall and hurt myself. Some lessons I don't get nervous and I fall off and hurt myself. And recently (the last few times I have been riding my horse) I have been really nervous! And each time I think I will fall off and hurt myself! But i don't? Could it be leading up to a big fall? Don't say it is my horse that makes me nervous, because he is very good to ride (besides his stiffness) I am worried. I am nervous now! And I am riding my horse in about 2 hours time. We are riding in the big field today instead of the menage sized field on a slight slope. x
So what exactly can't you eat and what can you eat when you have braces on?
Wow, well that's a long list.. Do they mean just for the first weeks? My othodontist just told me to stay away from gum and soda. When I first got braces, they told me not to eat hard things like you said ^
Sunday, August 7, 2011
What would have been the reaction if Pres Bush had killed bin Laden in a daring raid?
I believe Bush would have put bin Laden's head on a spike in front of the White House. Bush was cool!
Catheter Shear during hospital visit?
Why have you posted this again? You posted the same question a while ago? The catheters don't break off when you take them out.
Which should I make my son use?
My 14 year old son recently had surgery (don't want to go into detail) & is recovering @ home. Problem is he's bed bound and can't use the bathroom on his own. The hospital suggested a catheter or diapers. He's unwilling to stick the catheter up his thing and embarrassed about me putting a diaper on him like a baby. But unless he wants to wet himself he has no choice until he recovers. Catheter or diaper?
Why is my car stereo working if it's not grounded?
I installed a new stereo and it seemed fine but when I started driving it began to turn off and on again. I began to check for loose connections when the ground wire seperated at the butt connector and the radio stayed on. I buried the cars ground wire and attached the parking safety wire ( it's supposed to prevent the DVD screen from coming on while the cars e brake is up) to the radios ground wire and every thing worked fine and stopped shutting off. I checked continuity between the chassis and the radios ground wire and got OL I checked DC volts between the hot and the radios ground wire and got nothing I don't understand how it's working I am confused.
How much would he sell for?
I was just wondering how much my horse would sell for.. He's a 14.2 welsh cob, section D, he's 7 years old and will do pretty much anything. We have had to do a lot of work on him as he was stiff on one side and keeps picking up new tricks as he's only a youngster, he would go with a saddle, 2 bridles, 2 headcollars, 6 rugs and his windsucking collar as he is a cribber:) oh and he is a bay horse with a white sock on his back left:) he has a simple diet and hasn't had any reason to call the vet out.. He is a bit of a rescue pony as he came from scientists tesing drugs on him:( sorry, I went on a bit.. Just desperate to know how much to list him for:)
Is chicken stir fry good for you?
I cook diced pieces of chicken breast in a wok with beansprouts, stir fry salad pack (with carrots more bean sprouts, lettuce, cabage), mini corn on cobs, with a sachet of scechsuan sauce (sorry for poor spelling). Is this good for you? How many calories would you say that's in it? Thank youuuuu. X
Should I get an epidural?
let me start with my reasons for wanting to go without medication.... My first delivery I made it 17.5 hours with no meds and when I finally got the epidural it only numbed one side and my daughter was out within 20 minutes. In the 20 minutes I had it, her heart rate and my blood pressure dropped significantly and they were threatening me with a c-section. Luckily I dilated from a 2-10 in 15 minutes (Thank God) and she popped right out. My second delivery I held out and I got the epidural about an hour before he was born but the numbing medicine to insert it did not work and it was terribly painful and the catheter fell out twice so they kept re-doing it. I had back pain for 3 months afterwords and a spinal headache. I am 14 weeks pregnant and I really want to have a natural delivery because of all the problems I have had in the past and I know I can make it through contractions because I held off so long to get it before but I am really nervous about the pushing stage without an epidural. Also, I will be alone when i deliver because we don't have anyone to watch our kids and my husband will have to be with them. Has anyone done it medication free without any support? What do you think is worse, contractions or crowning?
How much do disposable catheters typically cost if you are on Medicaid in IN?
I just relocated to IN and had to apply for Medicaid. I use intermittent catheters a few times a day and am wondering how much they typically run if you are on Medicaid and where I could find them. I have worked with Liberator Medical where I lived before, but they don't contract with IN. If anyone could give me some guidance, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks! :-) (Serious answers only please.)
What do i do with a lone guinea pig?
I was bought a pregnant guinea pig and a male guinea pig 3 days ago.. Since I've never had a guinea pig as a pet before I browsed the net for topics on how to to take care of it and set up a home for it.. They never seemed to have an appetite for anything except carrots.. The didn’t even drink water much.. Yesterday Ellie gave birth.. All three were still borns.. After browsing the net, i was advised to bury the babies.. i hoped ellie would get better.. But she just wouldn’t move and laid on her side.. She dint even have food or water.. Getting desperate using an ink filler I tried giving her some water.. But she wouldn’t take to it.. Today, she twitched a lot, and something whitish is being secreted from her eyes.. Shes still lying on her side.. And most probably will pass away.. I don’t know where I went wrong or is there something I could do.. And what should I do with the male (hammy)? Should I give him away?
Does a catheter hurt and why?
i dont need one im just curious. does it hurt, is it uncomfortable, or can you not feel it at all? and why. just wondering.
Cats keep pooping in our back garden ?
We have a gazebo in our back garden and these 2 cats keep going and pooping in it and burying it with the stones in the gazebo. There destroying the plastic under the stones and our garden STINKS. Iv complained to the owner of the cats but they still keep coming like 5 times a day or whatever. Is there something we can put in the garden 2 scare them away?? Someone said bottles of water but I dont get how that works anyways thanks x
Piece of plastic IV catheter stuck in heart chamber?
It broke off supposedly during the removal of the IV and flowed through my blood stream to my heart. Could this be dangerous?
What is the name of the movie where they fling balls of mud with a stick (comedy)?
I think there is also a scene where a buy buries another guys legs (knees down) near a lion, while he is passed out, and tears his pants and puts meat in them, so when the guy wakes up he thinks the lion ate his legs
Having Shoulder Surgery 4 weeks after getting my Belly Button Ring, HelP?
Ok so I know that I will have to take out my belly ring for surgery, but I don't want it to close and I read that you can get a retainer or catheter type thing to replace it with the day of the surgery so it doesn't close. My question is how do you go about getting this done? Can they do it at the hospital during surgery prep? Or do I have to go back to the place I got it pierced and have them do it? And where do I get one of those retainers from?
Should I send a card (recent death in family)?
one thing you can do is write the first half of the card as if they were still alive... then sign the card... and under the signature write about how much you love them and how you will cherish every living memory your nan has brought to you. she only wants us to move on and be as happy as she was.
Painful erection after urthral dialation?
Lets face it...some of the orifices of our bodies are meant to be 'exit only'. Give yourself time to heal. If after a few days it gets worse, then call your physician. the inside of the penis is extremely small and sensitive. be will recover just fine.
Does it hurt to get an erection after u get an indwelling catheter removed?
i got the catheter out today and im peeing good and everything but i was wondering if it would hurt if i got one today
My girlfriend allows another guy to lay his head on her breasts and lap, what does it mean ?
Me and my girlfriend have been together for six months.We are 18, we are in different classes.The problem is that she has a friend in her class who is really close to her, she says he is her best friend and they know each other for years. He is a short guy who has the nasty habit of resting his head on my girlfriend`s lap and even on her breasts whenever he wants and she allows him to do that. I saw them in the school yard, she was reading a book and he was lying on her lap and then he moved his head on her belly. I went to them and started shouting what were they thinking. Then she was mad at me, she said he is her best classmate and i should not behave that way because they are long time friends. I agreed she was right. He is very short, much shorter than my girlfriend and I doubt she finds him attractive, but she is very beautiful so maybe he likes her. There was another case later, when in the break I entered their class room they were sitting next to each other and he has leaned on her and he was resting his head on her breasts. This time I did not say anything because I remembered her reaction the previous time, but I totally did not like the sight how her breasts were squeezed under the weight of his head. Just later I was a bit grumpy and that`s it. What should I do, I do not like the way this little short brat uses my girlfriend`s boobs and lap as a pillow and hugs her, but she hates it when I speak bad things about him. Do you think she enjoys his head buried in her intimate areas, or he is just too impudent?
Is this a good diet plan? achievable in 6 weeks?
Hello, I'm a doctor. Use Acomplia. I think that you want to get more info about it. Please go to ---->
How tall will a 5"3inch (me) person be compared to a 14.2hh cob horse?
5'3'' means you're 63 inches high, meaning that you stand 15.3 hh. so you are 1.1 hands, or 5 inches, taller than a 14.2hh cob. you will be able to see over his back but his withers will be above your chin. this horse sounds like the perfect height for you actually.
Think i got a problem with food but pyciatrists dont seem to understand me?
No, not normal and you know it. It's perfectly ok to not eat meat. What you are eating are all good foods so you are well ahead of most anorexics. If you want to look forward to a life of heart issues, keep it up. As your weight goes down you lose muscle mass. Your heart is a muscle. Get it? You are not invincible and it will take a toll on your health. It's up to you. No one is going to shove food down your throat. Don't be an idiot.
Family Drama, i hate these people should i Bury this family ?
Well , If I were you ... I would do it . Because I don't like it when people talk about me.. so I try to get revenge . .. (:
Can a doctor insert urinary catheter without your consent & block access to your medical file?
That is illegal. File a complaint with your state board of medical licensure. That act will get you some answers.
What are the affects of smoking marijuana while breastfeeding for the baby?
She's putting it in her milk and feeding it to him, it's in his bloodstream now. Making him a pothead and making him possibly addicted to it, if you try to feed without marijuana now he will start fussing, but with marijuana he could get some disease. Your cousin's GF is retarded
Why does my husband get so angry when I am sick?
My husband of 8 years is always so hateful, negative, and unsupportive when I am sick wether it is something little or something big. He says he doesn't care when I am sick anymore because I am sick all the time. I am not sick all the time. Last year I was having severe abdominal pains for a few months and was undergoing tests. No one could figure it out. It was to the point where I was vomitng and convlusing from the pain. The ER finally found a 7 centimeter tumor on my ovary that had twisted the ovary around twice cutting off the blood supply. I had surgery to remove it right away. He was out of the country and when he returned the day after my surgery he pushed me to go home so they won't charge for more days even though I couldn't walk. The tumor was too large to just come out the belly button so they cut open my stomach. So I went home and that night he was yelling at me and making me cry because of how much the surgery was going to cost because we don't have insurance. Meanwhile they are doing a biopsy of the tumor to see if it is cancerous (they had originally prepapred me to have a complete hysterectomy and I am only 28, but they were able to save everything since they didn't see signs of cancer). He made me cry and of course I was already in pain. He didn't help with our two kids ages 4 and 1. My mother and sister had to come 8 hours from their home to stay with me so someone could change their diapers and feed them. I applied for indigent care and got the surgery completely paid for. I even have a plan with the hostpital now. So I only pay 10 bucks copay. So whenever I go for my follow up ultrasounds and obgyn tests he gets so pissed off at me. And the other night I had severe abdominal pains again and I couldn't walk. I went to the ER and took the baby with me and he went to his friend's party. All his friends wanted to know why he didn't go with me. He told everyone including me before I left for the ER. that it was all in my head. He was married to a psychologist before me so he knows everything about psychology now and he says I am manifesting illnesses in my head and I need to see a shrink not a dr. A few years ago I tore my meniscus on my knee that I had once broken in high school. I got an mri and they wanted to do surgery. He said no way and suck it up. So I continued to work as a waitress 40 hours a week on my leg limping around in pain. Then last year he tears his meniscus and he goes to have surgery right away and gets a few months of therapy and buys himself an ultrasound therapy machine and an electric stim. therapy machine online and fancy knee wraps and ice packs and acts like a big baby and doesn't work for almost a year. So why is it ok for him and not for me. Also since the surgery and birth of my children I get UTI's once a month. So I have to go for antibiotics. I don't know why. I am not diabetic and I wipe front to back and I am a very clean person. I think it has something to do with the crappy catheter jobs done at the hospital all three times I was in (two births and one surgery). But he gets mad and again says I just enjoy going to the doctor. Who can enjoy going because it hurts to pee and then you have to wait 6 hours at dr. office and then go take 2 weeks of anitbiotics that make you nauseous and give you a yeast infection. Who enjoys that? Not me!! So what is his problem. When I got back from the ER that one night he said "So was it worth it. I haven't slept all night. You ruined my night. So what's wrong with you now. Hurry up and get into bed and stop making noise (I left for the er at 10 at night and got back at 5 am. I had to drive myself after a morphine shot and it wasn't appendicitis it was related to my ovary again a cyst burst). Now he is sick with a cold today and he is yelling at me like it is my fault he has to go to work. What is his problem?
Isn't it upsetting for US Conservatives gasoline prices are dropping?
NOPE.... I drive a Toyota Tundra with a 5.7 V8 and the gas prices make no difference to me, and I eat whatever I want when I want.... when I croke my kids get all the money... so whats your point?
GCSE Music Performance Question?
The last song is the most impressive on guitar. As long as your second performance contrasts from this genre. Good luck, I did mine a little while ago :)
Experiences on Foley catheter inductions?
I am due may 18th but have been told they are inducing me may 10th due to my chronic high blood pressure. I have had a previous c section so my guess is my induction will be a Foley catheter induction. I am going to talk with my OB at my appointment Tues about it, but would love to hear experiences. Did it work without pitocin or the use of any other chemical?
Will we ever stop burying people and start cremating everyone?(right answer gets 10 points)?
I want to be a mortician when I get older(I'm17)my dad owns a funeral home and I appreciate the work that is done with the bodies. I feel that it would take away from the experience of being a mortician when just cremating people all the time. Also when someone is cremated do they dress the body before burning it or do they just lay them in a box with no clothes and then burn the box?
If I feel my father was mistreated in the hospital what should I do?
My father is under my care. This week he was sent to the hospital with heart problems. I am a single mother of 4 children 5 and under. The kids and I went to see him twice a day. Due to many problems he is unable to go to the restroom alone. They had to use a condom catheter in order for him to not make a mess. He is a mental disorder and has to take pills for his problem. When I got there he was very upset and in tears. He said the catheter had came off and the nurse began to fuss and blame him. He said the more he tried to tell her it fell off the more she blamed him and yelled. He is blind so he only knows her voice. I called the head lady to tell her and she told me she talked to the lady and the lady was very sorry. Now today, they called and said he was coming home. When I got there he had food all over his mouth( he has to be feed) and the room stunk so bad. I began to dress him and he had no catheter on and his bed was soaked in pee. He didn't have a diaper on or anything. I went to the nurse and told her and she just said ok. I was so mad but didn't want to cause a fuss in front of my kids. What should I do??????
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Why/how do ancient cities get buried?
I am especially interested in places that are not close to any e.g. volcanoes. Often cities get discovered with well preserved structure, no obvious damage but are wholly buried under many metres of ground. How does that happen?
Have I got food poisoning?
Earlier today roughly about six hours ago, I ate some raw cake mix. I also had a sausage cob and the sausage was very slightly pinkish although the outside was thourghly cooked. Then about an hour ago I got very severe stomach cramps, chills, became sweaty and very nauseous and thought I was going to vomit(I didn't but I felt like I needed too) it lasted for at least half an hour and then went completely and I feel fine, maybe a tiny bit nauseous but nothing serious. But now I have stomach cramps again, like period pains and constantly needing the toilet and have diahorrea. Do I have food poisoning? If not what else could it be?
Help with my riding? Video :)?
First off you have a beautiful horse :) To help with your bouncing, i would say work on your heels they should be down more. Maybe have a friend tell you whenever they come up so you can build muscle memory. Also while you are cantering keep your leg still. At one point it was going in front of the girth. Again its muscle memory. Work on these things on the flat and then apply them to your jumping :)
Do you want to be buried or cremated?
I ask this as ive been thinking about what I want...and right now I think when I die I want to be cremated because I know I'll be dead but I don't like the idea of my body been in the cold underground with maggots eating be cremated and have my ashes thrown over a place I love seems more of a peaceful idea to me...How about you?
I just fingered my best friend and im a dude HELP?!?
okay so i was with my best friend we were on her bed hanging out prank calling people, and all the sudden out of the blue we started making out. i never saw it coming because she told me she only liked me as a friend and i would have never saw it coming. that's not where it stopped it got further and further until i started fingering her and she was giving me a BJ. we have talked about it she said she wanted it to happen and is glad it did she told us to bury it tho and we laugh about it but for some reason im a little iffy about it like i dont know why it happened can someone help me please
Is this a good diet plan? achievable in 6 weeks?
PLEASE dont skip breakfast! it will make you really tired during the day. just eat like, wheat toast or SOMETHING! but the rest seems OK
Which meal would you prefer?
Number 2 or 3. OK, I'll actually take one of each. You are making me hungry, and it's 1:12 in the morning! Stop it! Aaagh! I have to go downstairs and have a snack now!
37 and a half weeks pregnant with vaginal discomfort?
Ok so thursday night me and my husband went to walmart. When we got home (we didn't stay very long at all) we were setting on the couch watching a movie. My daughter kicked and I heard a pop, but my water didn't break. My lower back started hurting extremely bad! It would occasionally move to the front but stayed constant in my back. Being my first pregnancy I was worried. So I went to the hospital and it turns out my contractions were a minute apart. They didnt want me to have her early and since I hadn't dilated or my water hadn't broken they stopped the labor and said that I also had a kidney infection after using a catheter to check my urine. They kept me on morphine and fluids all night and let me go home the next day. Now my vaginal area is burning and hurting really bad, just started last night. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow but I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this and if it caused you to go into labor? I'm a first time mom and I have no clue what all this stuff means, what causes it, or what to do. Thanks in advance :)
Was my concern for my casual an overreaction?
We were making love (me on top and him on bottom and he was on his knees and towards the pillows at the top of the bed. Halfway thu he wedged his head between the 2 pillow and buried his face under one pillow. I got very concerned for 2 reasons 1) He was dangerously close to a gap on the back of the bed and was shifting slowly towards it. If he head wedged between the gap and was wide enough it would had trapped him and snapped his neck and 2) There was danger of suffocation under the pillows. I got concerned and asked him Could he breathe? and was he ok? but he was more concerned about the sex then his own safety. And got snappy when I suggested he didn't wedge his head under a pillow like that. Did I overreact???
Diabetes meter question?
I am doing a project for school where we design a new device for people with diabetes. This would include a finger prick, a test strip, a blood/glucose meter, and maybe a insulin catheter. My friend, who has type 1 diabetes says that the whole process for taking blood, testing it, and adjusting his insulin intake can be a cumbersome project. Does anyone who maybe has diabetes have any ideas that would make this easier?
I know I'm going to sound stupid, but was the CM Punk shoot real?
Nope, it's a worked shoot meaning Vince agreed to let him say all those things because if it were a real shoot they would've cut the microphone off earlier
Does a urinary catheter hurt?
I am 32 weeks into my pregnancy. Every single time I go to the doctor they have to check for UTI as I suffered from constantly getting them from the age of 4-15. I just got a phone call saying that there was a bit of bacteria found on the last urine sample and to make sure that the next sample I give them is a clean catch they will insert a urinary catheter on my next visit (33 weeks). Does it hurt?! I just want to mentally prepare myself. thanks!
Which job would get you outside the wire more?
Civil affairs in Iraq was out the wire ALL the time, like daily. In the Marine Corps we call them CAG (civil affairs group) and they were out with us (infantry) quite a bit but only when we would escort them to a village to do humanitarian "hearts and minds" crap.
Vaginal cyst months after having vaginal delivery?? (moms)?
did anyone experience this after having their children...i guess they said it was when ur vaginal glands get clogged. the pain u get when it has happened is unexplainable... and they also have to make an insicion on ur vag lip and put a small catheter.. omg it hurt more than when i had my my question is..if u have experience this did u have it happen to you again after it had healed?
Question for you all?
if i were buried in soil with my head sticking out at your wedding...and you were paid 5 million pounds or dollars to sit on my head while you exchanged your vows...what would you say or do?
How much are these coins worth?
Those coins don't sound like they are worth very much. The older the better the chance the coin will be worth more but if the coin have any rare mis-strikes or abnormalities they would be worth more too. It's difficult to know without seeing the coins how much they are worth. You can do one of two things: Go to a coin collector and ask them what they think the coins are worth or go to your local library or book store and find an international price guide for your coins and look them up.
Foreplay just after hysterectomy and bladder surgery?
i just had a vaginal hysterectomy and a sling was used to pull my bladder up back on May 13th. I just got rid of the foley catheter on this past Friday because I was unable to pee on my own. now I am doing much better and haven't had to straight catheter myself but only a couple of times to be sure my bladder was emptying completely. Everything seems to be healing great. I know that I am not able to have sex until after my 6 week post op appointment, but I was curious about other forms of intimacy for my husband and I.. I sort of took care of him last night, but I was too afraid to let him touch me even a little because for one I am scared of infection, and also everything down there kind of works together, especially when having an orgasm and I am just too scared of doing something that might hurt me. But I am curious if I am being too cautious, or if it would be alright to explore it a little bit? My husband and I are extremely sexual and we enjoy our time together so much and this is going to be very hard to do. But, I will refrain from even trying and just stick with pleasuring him if it means that trying to indulge myself might cause harm or set my recovery back.. what do you guys think? I guess I could ask my doctor, but how do you ask something like this? Anyone else gone through this before? Did you/were you able to mess around right after surgery and everything be alright? I was afraid that after my surgery my sexual appetite would be messed up, but quite the contrary I got very turned on last night just by tending to him and am very anxious to get going as soon as I am able. lol..... so someone tell me, should I try a little? or should I just refrain all together on my part until after my 6-8 weeks are up? like I said, I am almost 3 weeks in to it... thanks!! =)
What courses do i need to take at college?
hi, i am in year ten and i go to the elton high school. because year eleven have left they have told us that we need to think about what we want/need to take at college. i am going to apply for bury college but i don't know what courses i need to take. i want to be a photographer. i think i want to be a Studio photographer, please help thanks
My husband is trying to force me to stay married to him. He wants to live with me again after he walked out.?
I have not been happy for a long time. He has been TEXTING me and wanting to reconcile, but I don't love him. He's mad because he does not know where I live now. He carries a fire arm and there is no way that I will go see him alone. I filed for the divorce two months ago, but he keeps filing these motions for counseling and I don't even want to be in the same room with him. He is trying to use me to get a place to stay. He even went so far as to say I illegally got my apartment without him which is not true. He was not approved to live with me. He lied to the courts and said he has no way to contact me and I have TEXT messages from him and emails where he threatened to hurt himself if I left him. He denied these allegations but I have the proof he sent this stuff. Can he keep dragging this out and can he use my information to file taxes even though we no longer live together? He also had the nerve to tell the court that I should pay him alimony. We have no children and no property. He has turned what should have been a simple dissolution of marriage into a 500 page nightmare. He feels that if he buries me in all these motions I will give up. I am a fighter and when I know I am right I will fight tooth and nail to prove it. Some of my family won't deal with me because he has done things and dragged them into this mess.
Have you ever had someone bring you into a story, just so they could try to save themselves?
I know, you feel like you cant do much because it is your "friend" who add you to the story, but at the same time it is frustrating!
Is he too old for a first horse?
He is the most perfect horse I could ask for! He is an easy ride but also challenges me too. He is bombproof but still has the odd spook. Yet after he does something wrong he stop to see if I'm alright! He is so cute! He is a cob x connemara and he is 15. He is overweight atm because the person who had him before I started loaning him let him get really overweight. We are getting it down now. He has never had laminitis before. Is 15 the right age for a first horse or should it be younger or older? My horse loving friend told me to get a 3yo (she has been riding for 9 months and is on her 3rd horse. She just bought a 3yo who barely knew how trot.It is way to small for her anyways. She is 10 and a half stone and 5'8 and the pony is 12.1!!) But I'm not that stupid. So what do you think?
I have a serious jealous problem w/ my boyfriend. Help?
(I have such a jealousy problem, it's horrible. I feel like i have a monster inside of me! I get so jealous when it comes to my boyfriend and idk why. We've been dating a year and a half and to my knowledge he's never cheated on me. Cheating has never even been an issue w/ either of us. But i just hate girls when it comes to him! On Facebook, i get so pissed off when a girl comments his status, or likes one of his pictutes. I automatically dont like the girl just for simple reasons like that. I'm 19 and this is just childish. And honestly, all of the girls that comment his sh*t or like his pics have N O T H I N G on me. And i'm not saying that just because most girls would say that about themselves, but i mean it. Ppl constantly tell me i'm a very pretty girl, so idk why i get so jealous when i know i look better than them. Ugh i just hate girls. And the thing i hate about my bf is that he's too friendly! Cant he just ignore their comments? Idc what they're talking about. Why does he need to respond to them? I just wish i wasnt like this. I was never like this at the beginning of our relationship and i guess i slowly progressed into this envious b*tch for whatever reason. I think it's because of past relationships? I've been heartbroken, blahblahblah. But instead of going off on my bf like i used to about girls talking to him, i just bury it down inside me. And as far as girls knowing about us dating, i'm sure they dont care! Because if they did, they wouldnt try to make an effort to talk to him by texting him or anything. I wish girls were like me. If a guy has a gf, i leave them be. I dont text him or write on his fb or anything. I just wish i knew how to deal w/ my jealousy because not only is it extremely immature, but i think it's slowly ruining me :(
Friday, August 5, 2011
Health Care Worker risk of contracting HIV from infected patient's blood?
I work in an emergency room and one day I was discontinuing an IV of an HIV infected patient. I know i splashed some fluids from the actual saline bag on my arms, but as far as I know that part is sterile. (right?) Anyway, the part i'm really worried about is that after I took the actual catheter out of the patient's arm, as I started to walk towards the trashcan to throw it away my face felt a little wet. As far as I know, it didn't feel wet before or there was no OBVIOUS splash that I can recall from the actual catheter but my face just started to feel wet as I walked to the trashcan. The end of the catheter was pointed towards me but I could not tell if I was just sweating and actually feeling it as I walked (the room was set on like 85 degrees for some reason so it was very hot in there), or if somehow the catheter splashed infected blood/extra iv fluids in my face. My mouth was not open, so I do not think it got directly inside my mouth if it did splash, but it could have gotten on my lips. I recall my cheeks and areas surrounding my mouth feeling wet, and I thinkkk my lips felt wet, which is why I freaked out thinking it was more than just sweating. I looked in the mirror after wards and did not see any obvious blood on my face but then again it was mixed with iv fluids so might not have looked bright red if splashed regardless. I got tested a week later and it was negative, but I know that it might not show up for even up to 6 months or longer. Since then I have gotten a vaginal yeast infection, and have had weird burning tongue sensations, and feeling like something is stuck in my throat (all happened within 2 weeks of possible exposure). Could these be coincidence or early signs? Can you even show signs that soon? Someone please let me know what you think. Thanks!!
How does this part sound?
It sounds very melodramatic and kind of fake. There are a number of grammar mistakes, and way way way too many commas. Just FYI, writing long, descriptive passages about someone feeling sad is generally considered bad writing, as is having the character's thoughts be in quotations. If you're not going to include any specific details, or use the character's voice in the thoughts, then you shouldn't focus on internal "OH LOOK AT ME I'M SO DEEP AND EMOTIONAL" passages.
HELP! My German Shepherd puppy ate corn on the cobs!!?
I have a 5 month old German Shepherd puppy, and this morning he got into the trash and ate 3 corn on the cobs. He chewed the cobs to little bits and ate them, rather than swallowing large pieces, but I am still panicking considering what I've read online within the last hour. He threw up a little bit of the small pieces of the cob, and had a rather large bowel movement about 45 minutes ago that contained TONS of corn! I provided water for him, and he drank a lot as he always does. Since corn is passing through his system and he's pooping normally, he should be okay Right? Now I'm asking for mere opinions and advice,.. I will definitely call the vet asap if he develops signs of a blockage.
I can't think of the name of this movie HELP?
It's about a boy IDK ifhe's a rat or a cat and he sucks the girls breath away. I can only remember parts and the parts I do remember are really random like the boys mom kills someone with a corn cob and close to the end the boy is like a rat or cat or something and the mom tells the girl he wants to dance with you, then at the end alot of cats come and I think they eat the boy or suck his breath away? I know it's really random, but that's like alll I can remember. Thannks in advance!
How to make corn on the cob?
Okay so, it's almost 3am n I am seriously craving some corn. Fortunately I found corn on the cob in the freezer BUT I never made it before! I have experience with canned corn but..yeah, don't have any. Can anyone tell me how to make it? Do I boil the corn in the water or do I boil the water first? I'm so confused! (> <)
Can vegetarian's put chicken flavored seasoning in soup?
i want to make soup but i want that chicken flavor. its not really chicken right? its just seasoning. i'm going to add corn on the cob,potato's,onions and carrots in it. the romen noodles chicken seasoning, does it contain chicken in it?
Am i recovering from being anerexic?
You're doing very well and eating very healthy! That's good and you won't get "fat" with this diet either!
Strong horse when leading!?
New horse is strong to lead in from the feild, he is fine to catch but when you bring him out of his feild his companion starts prancing around and calling. This sets off my horse and he starts trying to spin round and pull. It is hard for me to hold him because he is a young strong welsh cob. I thought of using polos to get his attention when he starts playing up or should i try leading him in a bridle? However he has bolted from me before so i wouldnt want him to get caught in the reins!
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