Friday, August 12, 2011

I recently had a very complicated hysterectomy, requiring I come home with a catheter and have blood transfusi?

transfusions. My friends and my dad keep insisting that I need to sue. Please tell me what you think. I was scheduled for a total hysterectomy to remove my cervix and uterus. It was supposed to be laparoscopic. The surgeon didn't realize how big my uterus was and couldn't continue laparoscopically so he had to do a large open incision, while doing so he cut an artery cause me to bleed out very quickly, I eventually needed a blood transfusion. He went through an old c-section scar and my dad thinks if he would've went through a new area that he could've stopped the bleed much sooner and remove the need for the blood transfusions I needed. The surgeon also cut through my bladder while cutting me open. I had to have a bladder repair and have to have a catheter for 14 days. I have 4 incisions now. 3 from it being laparoscopic and the large open incision- 20 staples. I don't know how necessary it is to sue but my friends and dad think otherwise. Also one of my nurses told me that I needed to contact a lawyer. Please tell me what you think. Thanks.

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